If we had proportional representation in the UK, we could permanently prevent Conservative majority rule. We would be able to choose honestly between many candidates for Prime Minister, rather than routinely feel obliged to choose between two candidates we don’t much like.

Sprint for PR is a strategy to deliver proportional representation in this coming election. We will seek to hang parliament through tactical voting, targeted vote-splitting, and stand-asides, ensuring pro-PR parties hold the balance of power and can demand the change we need.

Labour currently have around 200 MPs in parliament. We want to help them to get about 300 MPs, but then hinder them from getting much further. The Liberal Democrats have stated that electoral reform will be a red line in any post-election negotiations, and the Labour party membership and affiliated unions are also enormously supportive of reform. We believe the Labour leadership needs an electoral threat in order to provoke a change of heart on this issue, and Sprint for PR is the only campaign with a PLAN to deliver that threat.

You are ready to seize power

An image of people protesting and taking pictures
How Popular are Coalitions and Hung Parliaments?
How is Tactical Voting Affecting Party Support?

How Far are Old Party Loyalties Breaking Down?

“Sprint for PR” is the only tactical voting strategy which is focused on real change to our failing democracy.

Why do you want to Sprint for PR?

A proportional outcome in a first past post election?

We’re encouraging stand-asides and tactical voting which should allow Greens and Liberal Democrats to win closer to their fair share of seats.

We’re encouraging stand-asides and tactical voting aimed at ensuring Labour will be the largest party if they get the largest vote share.

We’re encouraging vote-splitting and tactical voting aimed at ensuring Labour need over 50% of the vote in order to achieve a majority.

An election outcome likely to deliver electoral reform?

Our suggested vote-splitting and tactical voting actions beyond Labour's 300th likely win should make a hung parliament far more likely.

Our suggested stand-asides and tactical voting in Labour’s 231st to 280th targets in England and Wales should ensure Labour beat the Conservatives and are the largest party in parliament.

A hung parliament will lead to Labour needing support from the Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Democrats have stated they will demand electoral reform in return for their support.

An electoral threat to build pressure on the Labour leadership?

We will actively discourage Labour votes in their targets beyond their likely 300th win with our tactical voting advice. It will be easier for Labour to win their desired majority in this election if they openly commit to electoral reform.

Our planned actions in all future first-past-the-post general elections should make it very difficult to achieve illegitimate majority governments in the future, thus removing Labour’s main reason to resist the will of their members on electoral reform.